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Learn self control & cooperation
Learn courtesy & respect
Improve confidence
Set goals & learn how to achieve them

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Grand Master Jong Sik Lee Biography

Grand Master Jong Sik LeeJong Sik Lee "45 years Training Taekwondo"

USA-. Grand Master Jong Sik Lee is a 8th degree Grand Master and has been training for 45 years. He has spent time teaching Tae Kwon Do to ADD and ADHD children and adults. Was the second in the world but he was the first person who created the Tae Kwon Do class in the public school (K-12) in the U.S.A.

Grand Master Jong Sik Lee Taekwondo, Hwa Rangdo, HapkidoHe was the first person to be recognized in the Public School Education Office and received an award for his teaching credential. Grand Master Jong Sik Lee also received the recognition award from the University Federation.

He was the first person who created the Tae Kwon Do education class in White Mountain Apache Indian Tribe Reservation at Cibecue Community School K-12. He specialized in teaching ADD, ADHD, OCD students and treated their behavior with

Tae Kwon Do.He has all the records for the students that he treated with Tae Kwon Do in a short period of time and was the only person who has treated ADD, ADHD, OCD students and adults with Tae Kwon Do. .

In the past 30 years, there weren't any Korean Tae Kwon Do Masters who's been to Pakistan.

He was the first Korean Grand Master who was invited to Pakistan over 30 years to train a Referee seminar for Tae Kwon Do Poomsae and Sparring lesson to over 50 Instructors, Masters and the Grand Masters. In the future, the Pakistan Tae Kwon Do Tournament will be Revitalize.

He served his country as infantry personnel of the Special Assault Commando of the Korean army and was also a Tae Kwon Do instructor for the Korean military.

Grand Master Jong Sik Lee Taekwondo, Hwa Rangdo, HapkidoGRAND MASTER LEE'S MARTIAL ARTS RANKINGS

International 8th Dan black belt World Hapkido Headquarters (WHA) certified 2013
The Korea HWA RANG DO Association 8th Dan 2012
International Best Fighter Association 8th Dan November 01 2011
Han Moo Kwan 8th Dan August 07 2011
International Referee, Kukkiwon certified, World Tae Kwon Do Academy - April 2008
International 7th Dan black belt World Hapkido Headquarters (WHA) certified - September 2006
7th Dan black belt, World Hapkido Association certified September - 2006
7th Dan Black belt, Best Fighter Association certified September 2006
International Instructor, World Best Fighter Association letter of Qualification - 2006
7th Dan Balck belt, Pan Am Korea Tae Kwon do Union USA certified - 2001
U.S. Referee, United States Tae Kwon Do Union (USTU) A-1 certificate of participation - 1989
Special Martial Art Master, Korea Army Special Assault Commando Martial Art Training 1986
1st Dan Balck belt, Kukkiwon certified - 1977
Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwon Korea Tae Kwon Do Association - 1974


Events Video & Photo Glimpses Prince Taekwondo Academy

Prince Taekwondo Academy 6th Belt Promotion Ceremony by Master Javed Khan, Master Ashfaq, Master Shabbir Hussain, Abid Alam, Kashi, Saqib, REhan Hashmi MNA Jamal Ahmad MPA were honorable guest

Secretatry Sindh Taekwondo Association Kamran Kamar Kuraishi conducted 5th belt promotion test Prince Taekwondo Academy

Taekwondo 4th Belt Promotion Test Prince Taekwondo Academy, summercamp 2014, self-defense nunchaku taekwondo yongmoodo hapkido for boys girls

Prince Taekwondo Academy 3rd Belt Promotion Test by Master Samad Khan Cheif Instructor Markaz Mix Taekwondo Academy Karachi


Prince Taekwondo Academy Won Trophy in 14th FKS Taekwondo Championship

Prince Taekwondo Academy won 16 medals in 21st Quaid-e-Azam Open Taekwondo Championship

Prince Taekwondo Academy 3rd Belt Promotion Test by Master Samad Khan Cheif Instructor Markaz Martial Arts Academy Karachi

Prince Taekwondo Academy achievments at Master Zubairi Cup  Taekwondo Championship 2014


TV Coverage Prince Taekwondo Academy