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Overview of Webcasting and Podcasting
Both webcasts and podcasts are useful media for disseminating thought-leadership content. However, beyond the fact that webcasts include a visual component, there are a number of differences between the types of media.

Marketers may use one or the other, or both, based on a variety of factors, but a key consideration is frequency: webcasts can be delivered on a regular basis, but can also be effective as a one-off or infrequently used tactic. Podcasts are more like blog posts: to be effective, they need to be produced on a fairly regular basis. If you’d like to try podcasting without committing to a regular program, consider arranging a podcast interview with someone who regularly produces podcasts relevant to your industry.

* Are generally 30-60 minutes long; a common format is 40-45 minutes of content followed by a 15-20 minute Q&A session.
* Are commonly delivered as online PowerPoint presentations, though they can include interactive surveys, video, whiteboarding and other media elements.
* Are delivered using a webcasting service; the WebMarketCentral blog includes reviews of several popular providers.
* Can be used to promote other content such as a white paper etc, but are often a stand-alone information delivery medium.
* Can be promoted in variety of ways, including search marketing and email blasts.

* Can be as long as 30 minutes (or even longer), but are most commonly 6-15 minutes.
* Lend themselves well to topical subjects, such as a security software firm commenting on a well-publicized security breach that could have been prevented.
* Can be presented as monologues or in interview format.
* Are most effective when done on a regular basis, such as a weekly podcast.
* Can be produced professionally or internally using podcast recording and editing software.
* Are effective for promoting longer thought leadership pieces such as white papers and reports.
* Are generally housed on blogs & offer the same promotional opportunities as blogs plus additional podcasting-specific services.

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